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Are you ready To Unlock & Elevate
Your Divine Self Expression?

Light Language…Divine Tongues…Prayer Language…Soul Song…

So many different names…all rooted in the same Source.


Join me on a beautiful journey of infinite possibility; as I channel ancient wisdom and truth of the birth of Light Language and how anchoring into this divine gift can change your life.


This is a three part series in which I will bring forth channeled knowledge and soul level activations to elevate you and your sacred voice.


There is so much that we do not know. So much that is waiting to be rediscovered. And if you feel drawn to light language and sound alchemy, trust that there is a reason.


I am an activator. And I am ready and waiting to activate the souls who know that they are meant for more. Who are ready to activate their sacred voice, and step into their power as a creator being.

Part 1 - 6/1

'The Origin of Light Language' - Learn the origins of light language and why resurgence is upon us. 

Frequency as a Universal Language.

Tap into the 'Voice of God'.

Part 2 - 6/8

Unlock & activate your sacred voice through heart and throat chakra activations!

Have the opportunity to come into remembrance of your divine soul song! 

Heal with Light Language!

Part 3 - 6/15

Healing of your 'God Spark' - 7D Quantum Healing Journey

Manifest with Light Language!

Your Investment

Early Bird (May 11th-24nd) : $66

Increase to Full Price May 24th : $111

**Recordings will be available to those unable to make the live sessions**

Thanks for submitting!

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